UCT Coldwater Council #452

Coldwater Council #452 has been active since 1909, serving our local communities for over 100 years.
"UCT is an international member-benefit organization uniting people with a common passion for good citizenship and volunteerism to improve their local communities."

Creating pubic awareness of UCT's activities in our local communities is vital to increasing membership. Our local councils are making a difference in the lives of others every day, and we need to let our communities know about it! When others see the good things we do, they'll want to join us in our volunteer efforts.
Company Overview
UCT is a non-profit fraternal benefit society offering its members various insurance products and other benefits for more than a century.
Our local council was formed over 100 years ago as part of the UCT Supreme Council which was formed in 1888 by a group of traveling salesmen. UCT also pursues community service activities including youth programs, public safety and drug awareness campaigns, cancer education and prevention, and aid to people with intellectual disabilities.
General Information
Coldwater Council #452 has been active since 1909, serving our local communities for over 100 years. We are active in the community doing fundraising to help support local organizations. Coldwater Council is one of the largest in the United States and Canada. We are always seeking opportunities to help sponsor local programs with a focus on youth, people with intellectual disabilities, and cancer programs